Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Logical, yes, but....

This is a great idea, and one I've surely thought of when a same-sex ballot issue is making me seethe. However, I know it won't realistically pass. I guess this is one of those "national debate" type initiatives...

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sdb said...

My momma always said, "Two wrongs don't make a right." I suppose it is a good way to make some people think about their positions. But the chances of this working are pretty slim.

Animal said...

I couldn't agree more...on BOTH counts! I'm the type of guy who will usually go for the "shock value" of a response, so this kind of stunt is right up my alley. Sure! Get them conservatives to walk the walk! Love it.

Tess said...

Sweet. I love it when idealists(the conservatives) in a situation like this are forced to look at the reality of their own words. Hey GOPs! Open your mouths wide enough for some big feet!!!