Sunday, February 18, 2007

It's a girl - but do the old wives tales fit?

Congrats Tess and Scott! Now that you know its a girl, do any of the old wives tales fit? I heave heard the following mean you will have a girl: You have craved orange juice, the baby has not moved around much (stereotype that girls are passive), the baby is carrying high (another stereotype that girls are needy and boys are independant), you craved sweets and not salts, the heart rate was always on the slow side of the normal range.

We had our ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and everything looked fine. We told the doctor we didn't want to know if it was a boy or a girl. She made it clear it would not be written down in the file, and most likely this would be our last ultrasound, so it is definitely staying a mystery until July. Unless you confirm the wives tale that craving orange juice is true.......


L*I*S*A said...

And, don't forget the Chinese Conception Chart and the Draino test. :)

Animal said...

Tess drinks OJ for the calcium...I'm not sure if she craves it. Roslyn was moving around like CRAZY at our 1st US, which was in the mid-morning; but she was pretty calm at the 2nd. Tess avoided sweets, craving salty pickled things instead.

I think you should bag the old wives' tales and, instead of guessing...



Tess said...

I haven't felt her actually move yet, although Scott is corrent in saying that at our first ultra-sound, she was downright wiggly. For most of my pregnancy I have avoided sweets due to the queasy feeling it produced. I am slowly beginning to acquire a taste for refined sugar once again, but I'd much rather have a chicken leg or steak. I craved V8 very early on. There was a 3 day stretch in the second month where all I had was V8. Ever since, I haven't wanted to go near the stuff- over kill. Orange juice is nice, but I can't say I crave it. One of the nurses who first spoke with us got very upset with me for saying that I don't drink milk and pretty much stay away from dairy because it makes my stomach hurt. She basically said I should be drinking as much milk as I can. I promised I would up my orange juice intake due to the fact that they add calcium to it anyway. She still glared at me. Finally, Roz's heart rate was pretty normal. If it had been low, I would have attributed that to the fact that I run with her. Anyway, Scott is probably right- the only way to figure it out is to have the doctors tell you.

Susan W said...

I think the wives tales are fun to read about but total baloney. (this will be news to Kirsten since i haven't gotten around to telling everyone) but we're pregnant and due in July. I've craved salt and dairy like never before. Had no interest in meat or chocolate but loved baked goods. I'm at 20 weeks and have been feeling the little rascal move around for a couple weeks (especially at night) and our ultrasound had us as 80% likely having a girl. So, who knows?!? :)