Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Anything but homework

Ok, so I have only ONE thing to complete for my class. Yet, I'm finding things all over the internet that I MUST do first.

I give you my celebrity-look-alike collage:


Tess said...

Wow. Do they tell you who all those people are?! I recognize a couple but not all. Like, who's the girl on the extreme left with the square around her face?!

Animal said...

I'm a little taken aback that they think you look like Billy Boyd AND that penis-boy from "Friends." Ewww.

Where's Ellen? Or even Jenny G.? Sheesh.

kat said...

By the way, when I did this, I fully expected it to be one of those things where you submit your picture and it comes back with a picture of a baboon or something.

So I guess I was pleasantly surprised that I look more like Raquel Welch (top row, 2nd from left) than a primate.

kat said...

On another note, I was lame enough to upload a few different pictures...a different picture brought back Jodie Foster as one of the results. YES!

Animal said...

By Tess' accounting, a "penis boy" is one of those unnecessarily good-looking guys, usually a jock, who pretty much chugs shitty cheap beer by the barrelfull and tries to date-rape all his female "friends."

Kirsten: I could go on & on about self-fulfillment fantasies re: looking like Jodie Foster...but, I won't.

You're welcome. ;-)