Monday, May 21, 2007

More Automotive Lunacy

So, since we all seem to like a good bumper sticker/license plate story:

On the highway today I was passed by a Saturn (the car, not the planet, idiots!) with a HUGE window sticker. Seriously. This FILLED the entire rear window of his car. And it read:

Brought to you by the
same people who brought you

Honestly. WTF?? How come you never see that shit with OTHER ethnicities?

Brought to you by the
same people who brought you

Or how about this?

Brought to you by the
same people who brought you

Sometimes I think people (read: stupid people) get a bug up their ass about some single issue, without ever thinking about how silly it looks to other people (read: almost everyone else). Do you suppose the guy driving that Saturn cared that his shirt & pants were made in Taiwan or Sri Lanka, that his shoes came from China, that the veggies in his fridge come from Mexico (or China, or wherever). I suppose he watches TV on a 40-year-old model, since that's about the last time THAT was made in the U.S. And on & on, ad infinitum. I'm just venting. Comment away!


Animal said...

Brought to you by the same people who brought you the Iraq War.

Hey, I kinda like this game!

Animal said...

Um...that last comment is actually from TESS, who didn't log me out before commenting.

Just sayin'.

Tess said...

Woops. I know they say that marriage makes a couple into ONE, but that's just creepy. I DO still have my own identity- dammit.

Mike said...

Downing Street Memo's

brought to you by the same people who brought us


kat said...

Brought to you by the same party who brought you