Tuesday, May 01, 2007

How did I not know about this??

I love it!!

But, as much as I love it, I think I'll subject it to the eternal question:
Darth Vader Potato Head...classy, tacky, or stupid?


Tess said...

Here's my take on the Mr. Potatohead franchise:
Putting fake body parts on a REAL potato- CLASSIC

Putting fake body parts on a styrofoam potato- FUNNY (as little bits of foam keep chipping away)

Putting fake body parts on a large plastic hollow egg-shaped thing that looks nothing like a potato- TACKY

Putting Darth Vader body parts and clothing on said plastic "potato"- CLASSY.

The reason? I guess Tacky+Tacky=Classy?!

Animal said...

Let's not forget the classy name this thing is known by:

"Darth Tater!"

(We got Mr. Joel one of these for Christmas...it also comes in a stormtrooper and R2-D2 varieties.)

L*I*S*A said...

I think it's tres Classy...

Mike said...

jimmy got both this and the storm trooper version.

Storm trooper come with potato smashing blaster.

it's a must for the Star Wars geek in our home


Gknee said...

I love it..I have one..and I also have the Spud Trooper and Artoo Potatoo :D

Jerry even bought the Darth Tater for each of his employees!

Fun Guv said...

Oooh, MUST find Artoo Patatoo! Jimmy would LOVE it.

I definitely say classy.

Fun Guv said...

Oh, we also spotted a Spiderman version Spider Spud ~ Jimmy wants that one too.

Tess said...

Now, are these toys really for the kids, or...

Animal said...

SURE they're for the kids! And, parents should PLAY with their kids...uh...and their toys...

"Hey Roz, here's your new Ace Frehley doll!"

"Yaayyy, daddy, you're the BESTEST!"

kat said...

I see we'll have to run toy ideas by Animal before Roslyn's birthday...

Tess said...

When you say new Ace Frehley doll, do you mean NEW, as in actually made this year (cause I don't think they're makin those anymore...) or do you mean "new" as in new to you, "bestest daddy?!"