Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Body overlooked in bustle of hurricane rebuilding -

It happened again! You would think that people would come out of apathy when death is on the line.

Body overlooked in bustle of hurricane rebuilding -


Fun Guv said...

How depressing.

We just finished watching Spike Lee's When the Levees Broke last night and found there was quite a bit of that going on in NO. One son came home to find the spray painted X on the house with the spot for number of bodies saying 0 so he assumed his mom made it out. Nope, she was found under the fridge in the kitchen and then he had to wait 2 more months for them to release her body to him because they weren't positive it was her, she could have floated in from another house.

I just can't even begin to imagine...

L*I*S*A said...

Amazing how we worry so much about what's going on in another country, but we can't even manage to handle the atrocities going on in our own backyard.

Mike said...

one of the 14 signs of facism our current admin displays.

actually it displays all 14.